10:03 pm & 06.15.06

& i sort of feel "better" after being with my two best friends in the world & being told that they're there for me, even though i shouldn't be the one being comforted, & swinging & watching blake hop the track with his shoestrings tied together.

& since i knew i would cry if i talked to gossett while at the high school, i wrote him an email, & this is the reply i get back:

Thank YOU for joining winterline. You completed our family. I hope you realize how much the band members like you. Your attitude is intoxicating, and you're a blast to be around. Time doesn't matter, I feel like I've known you for 6 years. Take care of yourself. Keep in touch.

i'm still not sure whether or not i have the right to be this sad, but i am, so whatever works.

spin me faster